Do You Have any Questions?

Submit your enquiry online by clicking the CONTACT US button below or call us on 0417 305050. Either way, we look forward to hearing from you and answering whatever questions you may have. 


We try to be available as often as possible for enquiries but there are those occasional times that we are all on the tools and unable to take a call.

If we cannot take your call at the time, please leave a message and we will be sure to get back to you the moment we are free.

Our working hours on site are;

Custom Projects

There are times that you may require something just a little bit different. Fences Gold Coast are happy to oblige with their custom builds other than fences and gates. Tell us your idea, we can make it a reality.

Custom projects overview

Our service to build customised projects started with a customer asking if we could add a small boardwalk to the gate over a continuous muddy patch. We were happy to oblige of course. Little did we know that we would get many calls from friends of that customer asking us to do the same and maybe a bit more. The demand grew so much that we now include it as part of our services options, and we need to say, we get a kick out of doing something a little different.

Beautiful house yard and wooden bridge
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Boardwalks and tree leaves.
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Boardwalks and tree leaves.

Custom projects construction details

Whatever a customer may imagine, and if they can put it into words or a sketch drawing, we are happy to build it. Our building style for our custom projects is more rustic and solid. We can do ‘pretty’ but sometimes that is best left to those contractors that buy ready-cut timbers and use the kitset building process. Tell us what you are thinking and we can tell you what we can do for you. If it is outside our scope, we will also tell you that.

Custom projects we normally undertake are;

  • Pond Bridges
  • Gate Archways
  • Boardwalks & Custom Railing
  • Timber Pegolas
  • Garden Gazebos
  • Bush Shelters

Let us know what you are thinking – we’re keen to try anything.

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